26 August 2011

Quick crafts!

So, I've had two gifts recently; the first being stamps and the second a dozen crotched coasters! I set to work trying to use them in a creative way...I hope you like what I've done with them!

With the stamps...apart from stamping anything and EVERYTHING in sight...I painted this little wooden frame, cut up a few envelopes from the post that morning and put it all together.


VERY simple, but I like it!

Next, with a bunch of crotched coasters I set about doing two things: making bunting and decorating a jar.

For the bunting, I grabbed some wool and crotchet a simple chain stitch, attaching a coaster every 35ch.

Very pleased with the results! Not sure if it should just come out at Christmas?! But for now it's staying up.

The jar I wanted to jazz up holds my stash of embroidery thread and bits of ribbon/lace etc. I simply measured a piece of ribbon to fit the jar and stitched it to the coaster. Easy Peasy.

Hope everyone has a great bank holiday!

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